Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fall Tv 2012: Thursday

Returning Shows
Big Bang Theory

Easily my favorite comedy on TV.  Not as funny as it once was but still a good sitcom.

 Grey's Anatomy

An aging show that really should end soon but it's entertaining for the most part so I'll keep watching until it ends. I see no point on giving up on it after eight seasons cause it can't get worse then it has been in the past (like that ghost sex and the George/Izzie relationship)

New Shows
Last Resort

I'm excited for this show. Hopefully people watch it. It has an interesting premise and I think with good acting and story lines it can be a successful show.

Beauty and The Beast

I think it can have a similar feel as what Smallville had.  I'm not convinced it will be a good show but I think it is worth watching to see what happens. It could end up being this years Secret Circle.

Nessa's Shows

Every once in a while the show draws me back in but most of the time I just watch for the musical numbers. There are new cast members so I might need to give it a try but they already had a huge cast so with everyone returning they might be stretched too far.

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