Every so often before I fall asleep I get a thought in my head that just won't die. My brain goes into overdrive and I end up thinking of every possible conclusion until I fall asleep.
Last night was one of those nights. I got it in my head that I needed a plan of what I would do if Nessa passed away unexpectedly. Yes I know it's a morbid thought but I ended up mapping out multiple scenarios of what would happen. So this morning when I wake up the thought was still in my head and I decided I wanted to take the thought and turn it into something picture. Since I have no intention of killing my wife since I love her I figure the next best thing would be to turn it into a novel. I passed the thought past Nessa who told me to go for it even though it's a weird and morbid idea. She even helped me plan a few things for the concept.
So as she was traveling to school I came up with the basic chapter outline and wrote the opening. I then proceeded email the opening to Nessa to which she replied that she most likely would not be reading any more of what I write.
I can't say I really blame her.
Anyways I've decided to share the opening on here. I won't be posting any more of what I write but I feel like sharing this. I'm not even sure what it will end up as. I know I will write the whole thing and I know it will take a lot of time and effort. It may end up being a long short story or a short novel. Either way wish me luck and I hope you enjoy the opening!
Chapter One
Life is made up of little moments. Often we take these moments for granted and we don’t take the time to enjoy them the way we should. We miss the chance to take a picture or we fail to appreciate every breath. We assume that we will get another chance but at some point we will run out of chances.
I can’t remember our last morning together. I’m sure we ate breakfast because we always ate breakfast. I’m sure I took Boogs for a walk because that was also routine. I know it was a Wednesday because I was planning on watching Survivor when I got home. The rest is just gone. No matter how hard I try I just can’t remember if I kissed my wife goodbye.
I remember reading on Twitter how there was a major accident on the highway and that 6 people were dead. It never occurred to me that (name) would be one of the deaths. We talked about the accident at work in between helping annoying customers worried about receiving double texts when they have unlimited messaging. A few hours later I was taken to the hospital where a doctor tried to explain that (name) was in a coma and the chances of her waking up were slim. Apparently she was on life support and the chances of her recovering were not likely. He kept talking but looking at her hooked up to so many machines made it easy to tune him out. At that point I knew she had five days to wake up or I would have to make the decision to unplug the machines.
I had not been able to see Boogs. They told me that he had passed away quickly and that it was nothing that could be done for him. I was too shunned to cry but as family and friends came tears flowed. The doctor explained the situation many times over the first few days because I didn’t care about what he had to say. I didn’t need it explained to me.
I had promised that she would be on life support for five days at the most. It was a promise I made never thinking I would need to actually make the decision but I knew I had to keep it. I loved her that much that I couldn’t break this promise. I sat by her bed the entire time. I slept in the most uncomfortable care but that was ok because I barely slept. I didn’t want to miss another breath or the chance that a miracle would happen and she would open her eyes.
She never did and after exactly five days I had them turn off the machines.