Monday, January 23, 2012

Music Monday: Music To Read To (The Hunger Games)

When I read I like to listen to music. I read the first few chapters and listen to my entire playlist until I get a feel for the characters and the storyline. Then because I am a geek I have songs that I feel fit the story as it goes and this becomes my playlist for the novel. Sometimes it'll end up being a long playlist and other times it'll be ten songs I play on repeat. 

Just so this blog is not too long I limited myself to six songs that fit particularly scenes in the novel. I won't give any details of what scenes but if you have read the book you may be able to guess the scene.

The Veils - Under The Folding Branches

Go, spin me around under the folding branches
Now, is not too late, heaven can wait another year or so

For I loved you once, didn't I?
There, I loved you once, didn't I? 

Matthew Good Band - Running for Home

and after this there's just the circus
and every morning you carnie heart stops workin
it gets tight in there sometimes
looking for the defects, talking like it's a reflex
 I close my mouth now and I scream
  I open the door and there's nothing left redeeming
  I saw your face before the rough
you should wait around awhile cause your body's bound to turn up

Lifehouse - Everything

And How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Collective Soul - The World I Know

So I walk up on high
And I step to the edge
To see my world below.
And I laugh at myself
While the tears roll down.
'Cause it's the world I know.
It's the world I know. 

Kris Allen - I Need To Know

Feels so far away
I want to see your face
Are you even there?
Can you show me?
Can you make me believe? 

Taylor Swift Featuring The Civil Wars - Safe and Sound

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

1 comment:

  1. Under the folding branches- When Rue dies and Katniss lays her to rest covered with flowers.

    Everything- In the cave while Kat was healing Peeta

    The world I know- On the rooftop when Peeta and Kat are talking about the games and how he wishes he could show them that they don't own him.

    I need to know- When Katniss is in the tree and has just heard that The Gamemakers have changed the rules and Peeta is now her ally. And she screams out his name!!

    safe and sound- when the pull out the berries and are bringing them to their mouths in slow motion... And then, they are safe and sound.
