Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday Top Twenty: Favorite Drinks

I am going to be very honest. I stole this blog idea from my wife. Just the other day she made a top ten list of her favorite drinks and since I couldn't think of anything to write about I stole her idea. 

10. Clearly Canadian

 When I was younger and living on the reserve I use to always stop at the convenience store and grab a few bottles of this stuff and walk across the bridge to hang out with friends on the New Brunswick side. Since I spent most of my time on Dover Street I bought a lot of this stuff. 
9. Mountain Dew Code Red 

One of the many things I loved that not many other people appreciated. Hence why it went the way of so many other things I loved like the Arch Deluxe. 
8. Eggnog

Even though it is available all year now I still only drink it in November and December. It is a Christmas season tradition to drink as much of this stuff as possible. 
7.  McDonald’s Chocolate Milkshake

How can you not love a drink that is can also serve as a dessert. 
6. Fruitopia

When I was in high school I drank very little alcohol. What I did drink was a lot of Fruitopia. I remember at this one party I was dared to try to drink 48 cans of the stuff. I made it to 33 before getting sick.
5. David’s Tea Gogi Pop

Nessa found this great Tea Shop called David's Tea. They have tons of great flavors but Gogi Pop is by far my favorite tea from there.
4. Barq’s Root Beer

When Barq's was trying to launch the product I remember the Irving in Campbellton was selling the bottles for $0.75. And being the sugar and pop freak I am I drank a lot of it. Of course I got hooked and they jacked the price up. I still love it. 
3. Raspberry Ginger Ale

For a long time I would drink Ginger Ale. It was always what my mom made me drink when I was sick so I always associated it with being sick. Then I saw the Raspberry flavor and decided to try it out. I loved it and slowly tried Ginger Ale again. It's hard to find now but there is a Pizza place in Dartmouth that sells it in the can. 
2. Hot Chocolate

Some people love coffee. Give me Hot chocolate any day. I'm not picky. I'll drink almost any brand of Hot Chocolate. Nessa made me love it more when made with milk. As a kid my mom would only make it with water. How I make it now depends on how lazy I feel. 

1. Pepsi (All Types)

I was raised on Pepsi. Thinking about it now giving Pepsi to a kid is a horrible idea. I was addicted to the stuff and when I gave up pop later in life I had a headache with a week without the stuff. I still drink it now and when I do I drink it fast but I can live without it now. I use to have to have it all the time.

There isn't really a Pepsi brand I didn't like. I loved Crystal Pepsi before they pulled it and I love Pepsi Throwback now. Give me Pepsi over Coke any day.

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