***Some spoilers below***
I finally made it to the theater to see the last Harry Potter film. Nessa and I decided to go see it in Real 3D and I think I am done with 3D movies. I don't think it adds that much to the movie and I felt the glasses were very distracting when you have to put them over another pair of glasses. I just don't think 3D is worth the extra money for a ticket.
I'll start with what I didn't like which wasn't a lot of things. I didn't like that they didn't show Fred's death. I really liked the way JK Rowling wrote the scene in the book and was disappointed that it happened off screen in the film. It was still emotional seeing Ron breakdown when he found out the news. I also would have liked Lupin and Tonks to have death scenes but I had the same complaint in the book. I know that it's a war and with so much going on with Harry you can't give everyone a proper send off but as a fan I just wanted to see those scenes done. While I'm stating minor dislikes I would have liked to see Neville's Gran but that complaint is minor.
The other thing I was disappointed in was the Harry/Voldemort ending. It was done well but I liked the way it was written in the book with Harry and Voldemort talking it out before the final moment. The dialogue was done so well in the book and I would have liked to see the actors deliver the lines.
What I liked about the film was that other characters got a chance to shine. I liked that they gave Neville and Snape more to do then what was in the book. The added scenes didn't disrupt the film and fit in nicely. Alan Rickman is such an amazing actor and he has done so well with the Snape character that he deserved to have his moment. As for Neville I think Nessa said it best when she leaned over and whispered that "Neville got HOT!" I loved his scene on the bridge as it blew up and the monologue he got to deliver near the end of the film. Other characters that got to have enjoyable moments were McGonagall, Luna, and Mrs. Weasley who got to deliver the best line of the series, "Not my daughter you bitch."
Things I loved about the film were many. I won't list them all but I'll go over a few. I loved the Ron and Hermione kiss scene. It was slightly different then how it happened in the book but it worked well within the changes made in the script. I also liked the little moments that they gave Harry and Ginny. I liked the little humorous moments that were added to lighten the mood in such a serious movie.
The scenes I loved the most where the ones with Snape's memories. They were acted so well and although didn't play off the way I imagined from the book, it was really well done. Again this is owed to the awesomeness that is Alan Rickman.
I also liked that they pretty much stayed true to the book when doing the scenes from when Harry walks into the Forbidden Forrest right into the King's Cross scene. In that King's Cross scene I liked that the piece of Voldemort that was under the bench looked like a bloody version of the way Voldemort looked before reforming in Goblet of Fire.
Overall it was a fantastic ending to a a great movie and book series. I was late to the party but it is one of the many things I will always have Nessa to thank for. Without her I'd probably still think Harry Potter was overrated garbage. I'm glad I was proven wrong.
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