Monday, July 18, 2011

Music Monday: John Hiatt - Have A Little Faith In Me

When the road gets dark
And you can no longer see
Just let my love throw a spark
And have a little faith in me
And when the tears you cry
Are all you can believe
Just give these loving arms a try
And have a little faith in me 

Ever since the first time I've heard this song it's been a favorite of mine. It's a song that could mean so much to so many people and can mean something different to each person. 

For some it's a declaration of love. The need to have someone love you so much that they can have true faith in you and trust you with all of them. It's means a lot to have someone be able to trust you that much and it all starts with having a little faith in someone. It's the ability to look past their faults and have faith that they will in turn love you regardless of your faults.

For others its the mark of true friendship. Having someone who you can count to always be there no matter what. For those lucky few who have been able to grow up with a best friend they had to take that first step and have enough faith in that person to plant that first seed that can grow a beautiful friendship.

And for the lucky few, the song is both love and friendship. Those lucky enough to be in love with their best friends. Someone they have totally faith in and try to never let them down. In our world you hope that when people have someone that shows that much faith in them that they never let them go. Sadly some people are just too stupid to appreciate what they have. 

I'll just have a little faith that someday they smarten up.

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