This week's top ten is board games I loved playing. They have always been an easy and fun way to pass the time. They start arguments and bring a lot of laughs. There is always at least one game that someone is good at, you'll never find someone who is terrible at every board game. They may hate Monopoly but they are awesome at Scrabble and Boggle. It's just the way life works.
10. Nightmare
Not exactly a scary game but I loved how it was interactive with a VHS tape. I am still waiting for the game to be updated with a DVD.
9. Connect Four
I can never get sick of this game. I played it so much that everyone else got sick of it. Then when Nessa and I started dating her aunt had an electronic version which I played so much that the batteries got sick of the game.
8. Scene It
One of two games that people don't like playing with me because I'm a geek that knows too much useless things.
7. Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture
This is the other game that people won't play with me. Nessa and I even had to make special rules so that she would play it with me. Then when I'm answering questions she gives me those annoyed eyes she has.
6. Scattergories
This is Nessa and my go to game when we want to play a game. It's easy to set up and provides some good laughs. You find out some interesting facts as well. Like Ben Williams was a football player in 1954 but he was not the runner caught taking performance enhancing drugs. That was Ben Johnson. Also Jello Cube will never be a Halloween costume.
5. Yahtzee
I use to play this game a lot when I worked at the Youth Center. Craig Isaac and I had some crazy Yahtzee battles. I mean what else were we supposed to be doing, watching the kids?
4. Risk
I suck at this game because it takes forever and I end up making stupid moves cause I am bored. But I use to like playing with the guys at Al's and it gets extra points because Al and I would team up to make sure Rory lost.
3. The Game of Life
I remember that when we use to play this as a family I use to be the only one who went to college. Funny how life turns out.
2. Battleship
You've sunk my battleship. I use to love saying that and it amazes me that I do not own this game right now. When I pointed this fact out to Nessa agreed that we should go buy it soon. It's such a quick game to play when you just want to set up the game quick and have some fun.
1. Monopoly
My all time favorite board game. I'm not a huge fan of how they have modernized it, I mean what is the point of playing if the banker can't steal money or cut deals on the side when people go to the bathroom. What's amazing about this game is everybody has different rules. Some play with only $500 on free parking. Others play that you have to wait until all properties are sold to buy houses and hotels. The really crazy players even play without all the bad Chance and Community Chest cards.