Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday Top Ten: Animals in Pop Culture

This weeks Top Ten is for my dog Zack. He wanted to know what I thought was the Top Ten animals that were in movies and TV. It was a harder list to come up with but I made it through the list and here it is.

10.  Littlest Hobo

I always wanted the hobo to settle down. I wanted him to have a family and a home but that would go against what he stood for. Maybe tomorrow he'll learn to settle down.

9.  Clifford the Big Red Dog

I always liked the books better then the way they did the cartoons but they were some of my favorite books that I read as a young boy.

8.  Big Bird and Snuffy

 I always liked the friendship between Big Bird and Snuffy. They worked with each other well and Big Bird always kept Snuffy from getting to depressed. Sesame Street was good at showing true friendship and these two were some of the best other then Bert and Ernie who I still think are gay characters regardless of what others may think.
7. Kermit the Frog

He was always my favorite muppet and he always had the most work to do since he was almost always the main character in the movies and the host of The Muppet Show. He also often did skits on Sesame Street which is one of my favorite childhood shows. Plus I always loved the way he sang Rainbow Connection.

6. Santa’s Little Helper from The Simpsons

The Simpsons never really used the pets that often but when they used them it was often a touching moment. Sure I still think that The Simpsons should end but I like that they always kept Santa's Little Helper.

5.  Vincent from Lost

 It always felt like Vincent got the short end of the stick. He was always there for the castways and they always seemed to leave him behind. The final scene when he lays beside Jack is heartbreaking.

4. Rowdy from  Scrubs

 Rowdy was one the best running jokes that Scrubs had. Sure it's a little weird to keep a stuffed dog but the pranks they pulled with Rowdy were hilarious.

3. Paul Anka from Gilmore Girls

 I liked Paul Anka because he reminds me a lot of Zack. They are both afraid of everything. I loved the scenes where Paul Anka needed to have a coat put down because he was afraid of the stairs. Zack was once afraid of stairs as well. 

2.  Brian from Family Guy

 Family Guy does a good job of showing how a dog can be man's best friend even though the dog can walk and talk. Brian gets a lot of the best scenes and I like the scenes between Brian and Stewie.

1. Hedwig from  Harry Potter

 I always liked that Hedwig grew with Harry and was there almost to the very end of the series. JK Rowling did a good job of relaying the friendship between a young child and their first pet.

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