Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Tuesday Top Ten: Fictional Politicians

This week with the election in Canada yesterday I'm gonna put my favorite fictional politicians. It was a little hard to get to 10  choices and the last few are a stretch as far as "favorite" goes.

10. President Mays Gilliam from Head of State(Chris Rock)


9. President David Palmer from 24 (Dennis Haysbert)

8. President Robert "Bobby" McCallister From Jack and Bobby (Logan Lerman)

 7. President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet from The West Wing (Martin Sheen)

6. President James Dale from Mars Attacks (Jack Nicholson)

5. President Stewie Griffin from Family Guy (Stewie Griffin)

4. President Andrew Shepherd from The American President (Michael Douglas)

3. President James Marshall from Air Force One (Harrison Ford)

2. Governor Jack Stanton from Primary Colors (John Travolta)


1. President Thomas J. Whitmore from Independence Day (Bill Pullman)



  1. LOL I was going to say if he doesn't pick Bill Pullman from Independence Day for his number one pick I'm going to have to put in a complaint! I would have put the 24 president a little higher on my list. But great list, non-the-less!

  2. Bill Pullman was amazing in Independence Day
