Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Episodes: Matt LeBlanc is funny as Matt LeBlanc

I was flipping though my On Demand options looking for something to watch and decided to give Episodes a shot. I had seen some previews and it looked funny so it wasn't a bad option for something to watch while I did some free step on Wii Fit.

The premise of the the show is that a American tv producer convinces a British couple to transform their hit British show into an American sitcom. It's a valid premise when you think about all the other things we've copied from Britian.

The pilot was a little off as pilots often tend to be since they have to introduce the concept and the characters but there was enough in the pilot to get me to keep watching. Especially when the British couple is told that the studio wants Matt LeBlanc as the lead star.

Matt LeBlanc is amazing in this show. He's doing a spoof on himself and easily goes between scenes where he's a likable guy and scenes where he's a total douche. I could think of a lot of actors who could have done this role when I first read about Showtime green lighting this show but after watching the first 5 episodes no one could have been a better choice then LeBlanc. Although David Schwimmer as David Schwimmer might have been entertaining.

This is easily the best thing I've watched from a former Friend's cast member. The show perfectly blends what I love about both British and American comedy. I'm definitely interested to see where the show goes.

1 comment:

  1. Gonna have to check it out sometime. you have my interest peaked. :)
