Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Tuesday Top Ten: TV Couples

 This week I'll be counting down my favorite TV couples. It was a tough time cutting it down to ten and I made changes to the list multiple times before I got a list I was mostly satisfied with. I'm sure they'll be people who will disagree with some of the couples left off the list but I based most of my selections with how long the couples were together (or simply working at building a relationship) and how good of a chemistry the characters had. 

Some Honorable Mentions for couples who missed the list:

Michael and Maria from Roswell
Seth and Summer from The OC
Chuck and Sarah from Chuck
Leonard and Penny from The Big Bang Theory
Desmond and Penny from Lost
Peter and Olivia from Fringe
Cappie and Casey from Greek
Booth and Bones from Bones
Lucas and Peyton from One Tree Hill

10. Clark and Lois from Smallville

 This couple gets bonus points since these been romantic tension between them since the 1930's. Smallville was able to take that history behind the characters and build on it in a different direction. Even while Lana Lang was still on the show once Lois was introduced there was an instant chemistry between the characters that Clark and Lana never had. Tom Welling and Erica Durance played off each other so well. Maybe it was due to the fact that you knew by the end they would be together and that Lana would end up a high school crush but the way the writers grew the relationship from acquaintance to friendship and eventually to a couple was well done.

9. Jim and Pam from The Office

One of the main reasons I started watching The Office. From the start you wanted them to be together and have the fun of the show was waiting for them to become a couple. Of course like most TV shows it wasn't as good once they got together.

8. Pacey and Joey from Dawson's Creek

Dawson fans are either Dawson/Joey fans or Pacey/Joey fans. I am all for the Pacey and Joey relationship and was happy when she ended the series with him. Dawson and Joey worked as best friends because they were both neurotic people but two neurotic people would never work as a couple long term. Pacey ba;anced with Joey much better then any other character on the show.

7. Matt and Julie from Friday Night Lights

I loved Friday Night Lights because it was such a realistic show and that stayed true with this couple. They were awkward with each other and nothing they did every seemed to go smoothly. They made mistakes that seemed realistic for teenagers to make and even when the Julie character drove you crazy you still wanted them together because Zach Gilford made you believe that Matt loved her.

6. Ephraim and Amy from Everwood

Amy reminded me of Joey in Dawson's Creek. She was a very neurotic character that never seemed to just be happy with what she had. She drove me crazy most of the time but when she was with Ephraim she was always less neurotic. It did always seem like she took him for granted but sometimes that happens when you're young and you know the guy will stick around no matter what.

5. JD and Elliott from Scrubs

For a show that was on for eight seasons (I will always consider season 9 a spin off) it amazes me that these two were only a couple for like a season and a half even through you wanted them together from the very first episode.

 4. Amaar and Rayyan from Little Mosque on The Prairie

Nessa had me download this show a few months ago and I decided to give it a try and loved it. I especially loved the growing relationship between Amaar and Rayyan. It's difficult imagining two people falling in love when you can't touch the other person but I think that is what made me love the couple so much. You didn't get to see them hold hands or kiss but you did see they way their eyes light up when the other person is near or the way the smile when the person walks into the room.

3.Marshall and Lily from How I Met Your Mother

I love these two because they seem like best friends as well as a couple. With most relationships you always get the sense that they love each other but they still have someone else who is the best friend. You do have Ted in this show but you still always feel like Marshall and Lily are each others best friends and I find that makes them such a strong couple.

2. Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls

I hated ever character that the writers created to date Lorelai because I wanted her with Luke. They complimented each other so well and Luke was always less gruff when he was with Lorelai. From the start they had that dynamic that they belonged together regardless of how the writers tried to keep them apart.

1. Nathan and Hailey

When the show started and you were supposed to hate the Nathan character he was always more likable in his scenes with Haley. They had really good chemistry together and even when he was an asshole around other characters he was different when he was with Haley and you rooted for them to get together. He was refreshing to see the character mature due to the fact he was falling in love. Also any couple that can last nine seasons on a TV show without taking any time apart (minus the really bad season two arc where she leaves to go on tour) or taking time to date other people are obviously meant to be number 1.


  1. I never got to experience Lois and Clark, but after watching that video I honestly wonder how they only got #10 on your list. THEY ARE EPIC!

    The Office couple seems really cute but again, it's not a show I've ever watched so I don't really know they history behind them...

    *sigh* Pacey and Joey... I knew they would be on this list, but again, I am surprised you only put them at number 8... I am a reluctant Joey and Pacey fan. And my love for them absolutely did not start at the scene you posted. For me, I fell for them as a couple during the K-Mart episode. LOVED IT! From then on, I wanted Joey to pick Pacey. She's neurotic, and hard headed, and impossible. There is no way Dawson's melodramatic ways could have EVER handled her. Pacey can keep the peace in a smooth and nonchalant way (well as an adult he could, he cracked when they were in their teens... she's not a cake walk you know.)

    Julie and Matt are adorable and I loved their coming of age story. But, with that being said, Joey and Pacey as well as Clark and Lois should be ahead of them on the list. Their relationships had a deep history that I feel Julie and Matt can't compete with.

    Ephraim and Amy were a big mess. I agree that she was a lot like Joey and it was annoying. Ephraim seemed to GET her and that was important. Their chemistry was amazing and I can't wait to re-watch the show to relive it.

    I've never watched Scrubs but after watching the clip and hearing the 8 year history about the couple I get why you picked them.

    I've never watched Little Mosque but I have to admit that I've been meaning to. I head it's really funny, and with a cute relationship aspect to hold me to it, I think it's that much more appealing.

    Marshall and Lily at number 3 is an excellent choice!! Ryan and I are in love with these two. Their chemistry is beyond awesome and they are so incredibly funny. I connect with them and see a lot of Ryan and I in them. Possibly because they are best friends as well as lovers. Kindred and amazing! great choice for a top 3!!

    Luke and Lorelai were meant to be together. I just hated that the writers didn't want to try harder with them.

    I always said that if the writers EVER tried to mess with my Nathan and Hailey again I would stop watching the show. They are a wonderful couple and an excellent choice for #1.

    There are 2 couples you didn't mention that I feel at least deserve and honorable mention. The first is Sandy and Kiersten from The OC. This relationship is a blueprint of what I want to have after being married 20 years. They are so in love and wonderful. And even though she had that drinking problem, their love pulled them through!
    The second couple you didn't mention was Barney and Robin from HIMYM. Their chemistry is perfect and you just know that everyone is rooting for it to be her walking down that isle at Barney's wedding!!!

  2. Even after I posted the list I was still playing around with it in my head. I originally put Clark and Lois so low because the writers had to let them be together but if I redid the list I'd move them up a few slots and probably move Matt and Julie down a few as well as move Ephraim and Amy down. I left Barney and Robin off because I felt they were never really a couple yet but if the show lasts a few more seasons and they do end up together I'll have to edit the list to add them to it. I totally forgot about Sandy and Kiersten. If I left out all the garbage the writers tried to do in season 2 they would probably make the list.

  3. The writers messed with Nathan and Hailey just as much as Sandy and Kiersten and they got your first pick regardless because they overcame the obstacles and became stronger because of it. Sandy and Keirsten are in the exact same boat. They are basically the same couple. I stand firm that they should at least be added to your honorable mentions. :D

  4. OK I fully admit I simply forgot to include them. If I ever redo the list I'll make sure they make honorable mentions.
