Monday, August 29, 2011

Music Monday: Adele - Hometown Glory

Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Round my hometown
Ooh the people I've met

I've been thinking about old memories recently. I grew up in a small town with a one screen movie theater and a small mall filled mostly clothing stores. It made it hard to see movies right away but we still went to that theater every Friday. Jen, Rory and I saw a lot of good movies there and we saw others I hope I never see again (Battlefield Earth for instance).

It also made it hard to get movies and music for a decent price. It was always good that Columbia House had no problems delivering to the same address under different names. I had one acquaintance who I saw at Zellars every week. We never talked since we weren't exactly friends but we always nodded at each other as we walked the aisles. Now Amy's one of my best friends and if I had known then that we had such similar tastes in movies and TV shows I would have rushed the aisles faster to make sure I got what I wanted before she had the chance to grab the one copy first. Life in a small town ... one copy of the good movies, if someone else grabbed it first all you could do was pray that another copy came.

It's not that I miss that town. It's more I miss some of the people even through not many of them are there anymore. They have all scattered to other places living there lives in different ways. Some are going to school. And some are planning on living in a van down by the river. Some have children or are in long term relationships. Troy even surprised me by getting married to someone that is actually likable.

I don't miss the days of drinking too much. Or having a house full of people, some of which annoyed me. I did enjoy it while it lasted but I wouldn't go back. I've grown to much since those days and I like who I've become. But I do miss the days of hanging with Al, Rene, Rory and Troy. Making fun of each other. Playing video games and making sure we did whatever was possible to make sure Rorrrrrrrrrrrry lost. Mostly because he hated losing and it was fun even if it also meant I lost as well. I still laugh at the thought of Rory asking Al if he still had "Worms" in the McDonald's lobby.

I also miss the time spent in Matapedia at a cabin in the middle of no where. I had a lot of good times there. I remember driving there in Ryan's Jetta and then in his Trans AM. And as cool as a Trans AM is I always enjoyed the Jetta more with it's door ajar music. 

Strangely I sometimes miss working at McDonald's and the Youth Center. McDonald's is a horrible job but it's made better if you work there with all your friends. And even through the Youth Center treated their employees like crap I loved working with kids. Sure they spend most of their time on computers or watching movies, I also got to organize games of Survivor and Amazing Race for the kids.

I miss late night trips to Indian Lake for night swims. Playing king of the dock even through it was almost impossible to get Troy off the dock.

But as much as I miss all those days I wouldn't go back. I love my life now, married to the love of my life who also happened to be my first crush. I love that I get to see her do so great in University because I always knew she would be great in whatever she put her mind to. I don't know where life will take us after she graduates but I'm excited to find out and will follow her wherever she needs me to be.

I look forward to seeing her in her Graduation gown looking almost as beautiful as the day she married me. I look forward to her saving the world with her Environmental Studies degree and making a difference. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with her.

It doesn't hurt to look back and miss the memories but I feel sorry for the people who want to actually go back. That means they have nothing to look forward to and that's just sad.


  1. I feel sorry for the people who don't bother moving forward. The kind that every time you see them all they do is reminisce about the past. And every time you see these people hanging out with new friends, the new friends are half their age. I know a few like that, and they make me very sad for them...

  2. I don't know if I can feel sorry for them. They are making the choice not to move forward. It's hard to feel sorry for people who make poor decisions.

  3. i honestly think they don't know how or are too scared to... i don't feel like it's always a choice for them.
