Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Tuesday Top Twenty: Favorite TV Shows part 2

And now for the rest of the list:

10. Scrubs

Most people either loved Scrubs or hated Scrubs. I fall into the group that loved it. I can understand why people would be put off by the show but underneath all the jokes there is a lot of emotion and heart. The way the show portrays friendships and relationships is realistic and relatable.
9. Fringe

This show is an enjoyable 40 minutes of television where you can just sit back and wonder if anything on the show is actually possible. The actors work so well together and I love the concept of two alternate worlds were we have different versions of ourselves and each world has a different history because our alternates made different choices. The concept intrigues me.

8. Corner Gas

I did not want to ever watch this show. But then Nessa talked me into given it a chance and since I have a hard time to so no to her I reluctantly gave the show a chance and loved it. I like it because the characters could be people you know. The show gets bonus points for being a success Canadian sitcom.

7. Dawson’s Creek

The cornerstone of the WB network. This show did so much that annoyed me yet at the same time I loved everything about the show when it was airing. The show had some many moments and the soundtrack to the show still plays on my iPod.

6. Friday Night Lights

With the ratings this show had it should not have had five seasons but I am glad it lasted. Once the third season started I watched each episode like it was the last episode and was happy when the show was picked up for a fourth and fifth season. The show did such a great job of introducing new characters that you grew to care about while finding ways to have older characters exit when their stories were fully told. Plus Coach and Tami where one of the best examples of a married couple on TV. I'm glad Kyle Chandler got his Emmy for Best Actor in a Drama and thought Connie Britton deserved one as well.

5. Lost

Six seasons of great acting and great storytelling. The show always kept you wondering and even delivered some answered. Loses points because they left some key things unanswered. And even through the last season was weak overall I did like the finale.

4. Survivor

I do think the show should end soon but even through it's in it's 23rd season the show for me was always more about the cast then the challenges. At this point there aren't many new challenges that they can do. But with the right cast the show can still deliver a great season.

3. Everwood

This show should have made it onto the CW. It had such a great young cast as can be seen by the fact that the main characters are all excelling on other current shows. The show had such great emotion and honesty to it and I loved the idea of a father moving to a small town to get closer to his family after his wife dies.

2. One Tree Hill

It amazes me that this show lasted nine seasons. At any point in the first three seasons it could have been cancelled. It started the same year as The OC so it had to deal with comparisons from credits that the show wasn't as good. But unlike The OC, One Tree Hill had a loyal fan base that stayed with the show no matter what. The season was announced as the show's last and those crazy fans will probably still have a Save Our Show campaign just out of habit. For a show that I would have been OK with it ending any season after the 4th season it's weird that I just kept coming back. It's mostly because I love the Naley couple but I also wanted to see the other character's arcs play out. After so many seasons you create a bond with the characters and you just keep watching because you need to know how it all ends.

1. Smallville

I started watching this show because I was intrigued by the idea of Clark and Lex being friends before becoming enemies. I wanted to see the story play out to see how they could go from being almost like brothers to being each others worst enemy. But the show ended being so much more. The show still had thinks that frustrated me as a viewer. I could do without most of the 4th and 5th seasons but the show was always able to come back with good story lines especially in the last few seasons. The show also had a very satisfying ending which doesn't always happen when a show has been on for what seems like forever.

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