Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Second Chance: Inception

A new topic I'll be starting is Second Chance for things I initially disliked or simply hated. Sometimes it'll be a something I just couldn't get into and gave up on. Other times it'll be something I hated the first time and feel that I should give it a second try.

The best example if giving something a second Chance is Everwood which I did not like the first time. I tried it again and forced my sense through the first episode and it ended up being one of my all time favorite series.

I'll start with Inception. I watched this on New Year's Eve with Nessa a fee years ago and really didn't like it. I had such high hopes for the film and they I was disappointed. The movie made no sense. It's not that the movie confused me. It's that I became so distracted by the plot home that I couldn't enjoy it. I remember after watching it I complained about it to a coworker who said its a good film if you just watch it and don't think. In other words it's an Adam Sandler film.

I re-watched it recently and I hated it more the second time. I just couldn't take my coworkers advise and shut off my brain. If I wanted to shut off my brain I'd watch Twilight.

I hated the movie more because I knew what was going to happen next so there was no element if suspense or surprise. I knew the plot holes and poor plot that was coming. There was no wishful thinking that maybe the movie would get better as it went on. I just knew it would suck all the way through.

The movie does have good aspects. The acting is tremendous. Considering who is in the movie its not a big surprise. Also the fight scene in the hallway was one if the best fight scenes I've seen in a movie.
The special effects were also really well done. I guess they spent all the budget on actors and effects and dropped the ball on story and plot. Make it shiny and make people think it's smart and people will love it.

College Humor described it best in this clip:

I will not be watching it a third time.


  1. With every post of your blog I realize I don't even KNOW you! LOL this story and plot was wonderful and intricate and romantic. I disagree that you should shut your brain off while watching it. It's a brain teaser and shutting down is not an approach to take if you want to enjoy the flick. I think that it obviously just isn't your type of movie. Some people don't connect to movies with an overlapping of elements and a psychology theory basis. Everyone is different, I just didn't realize how much you and I were different in our opinons till we made our blogs! LOL

  2. P.S. That College Humor video was hilarious!!!

  3. I love college humor ... and you are right about realizing we actually have very little in common.
