Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Tuesday Top Ten: Movies I Hate by Actors/Actress I Love

 Anyone who knows me knows I love watching movies. I am not overly picky and there are lots of movies I love even when others disagree. For instance I love Grease 2. 

I was watching That Thing You Do the other day and while watching Tom Hanks on the screen I was trying to think of a movie with him that I hated. I could only think of one (See List) but it then got me thinking of other movies I hated that featured actors or actresses I usually love. 

I then thought about why I didn't like these movies. In most causes it's not the fault of the actor. They do just fine. It's usually a story I don't care about or I can't identify with. In some cases it's because it features another actor or actress that I don't enjoy. And sometimes it's just a really bad movie. 

With each film something just didn't click for me.

10. Vanilla Sky (Cameron Diaz)

The movie had a good case and the story was ok. I just didn't enjoy how the movie played out at all. The concept of the film had been done before and since and it has been done much better.

9. Cast Away (Tom Hanks)

A movie about a guy stuck on an island just didn't appeal to me. I loved Gilligan's Island because it had various characters to work with. As great of an actor as Tom Hanks is I just could not but into this film. 
 8. Stuck on You (Matt Damon)

I love stupid comedy movies as much as the next guy but sometimes the movie is just too stupid.

7. Bewitched (Will Ferrel)


The first mistake was anyone thinking this was a good idea for a movie. The second mistake was casting Nicole Kidman.

6. Eyes Wide Shut (Tom Cruise)

The first mistake was anyone thinking this was a good idea for a movie. The second mistake was casting Nicole Kidman.

5. I Am Legend (Will Smith)

They should not have killed the dog. That instantly makes me hate the film.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Brad Pitt)

I may be the only guy who cannot stand Angelina Jolie as a actress. I watched the film because I enjoy Brad Pitt movies but she seriously irritates me.

3. Little Nicky (Adam Sandler)

I love Adam Sandler movies so I should like this movie but I don't. I did enjoy Harvey Keitel as Satan though.
2. Gigli (Ben Affleck)

Do I really need to say what was wrong with this film?

1. Battlefield Earth (John Travolta)

I went to see this movie with Rory and Jen. While waiting for the movie to start the previews were on and after watching one preview I commented on how I did not want to see that movie. Rory and Jen agreed it looked bad. Then the words "Battlefield Earth" flashed on the screen and we realized that preview was really the opening for the film we were about to watch.

Sadly it only got worse from there.


  1. Aside from your apparent hatred for Nicole Kidman, I actually agree with pretty much everything you wrote here... I Also didn't like those two movies she was in, but I have enjoyed other films of hers in the past. I Am Legend was a good movie, but it sucked that the dog died...


  2. I don't hate Nicole Kidman ... just her movies.

    Any movie with animal deaths are on my "never watch again" list. That I why I won't even try Marley and Me.
