Monday, August 08, 2011

Music Monday: Glass Pear - Say It Once

'Cos when you've found your love
Then you've found your belief
'Cos when you've found your love
Hey babe you've found, you've found me

Sadly this band is not very well known but their music and lyrics are beautiful. I went back and forth on which song to use this week and I decided on this song because the lyrics are honest but simple. The song gets right to the point and doesn't hide behind metaphors. 

What I love about music is that a song can mean so many different things and can affect people in so may different ways. When I hear this song I picture a guy in love with a girl who doubts herself. But he can see how amazing and beautiful she is. She is his everything and he does everything he can just to make her see what he sees. He just wants her to know that he loves her no matter what she thinks or what she does. 

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